Check out our selection of wholesale garment bags, non-woven garment bags, dress and suit bags, dance and costume bags, clear garment bags and more to fit all your needs, at the best price online. Order small & large quantities. Call or order online and get same day shipping everywhere in Canada.
BagOutlet offers you a vast selection of wholesale garments bags that are perfect for dry cleaning businesses, retail stores, clothing stores, costume rental stores, bridal and wedding stores, e-commerce, and more. Most of our garment bags are equipped with pockets and extra-strong zippers. We take pride into providing you with garment bags of the utmost quality, made with the best materials so that your customers are entirely satisfied. Also, we offer you custom garment bags, where you can have your brand and logo printed on your garment bag to promote your business.
Choose among our vast inventory of wholesale garment bags, that includes breathable non-woven garment bags, vinyl dress and suit bags, dance and costume bags, salesman’s garment bags, fur coat garment bags hanging garment bags, e-commerce and travel bags, coming in a variety of colors (black, white, purple, pink, blue, clear), sizes (from 40” to 50”), and quantities (from 6 pc to 50 pc per package).
Any questions?
If you need more information about our wholesale garment bags, our prices, and the models available, we invite you to contact us by phone or email. Our experienced team will be pleased to advise you and answer all of your questions. Buy your wholesale garment bags online and obtain same-day shipping everywhere in Canada.
Custom Printed Garment Bags
One stop solution for garment bags
We are a professional garment bag manufacturers, suit bag suppliers, which can custom garment bags, custom suit bags and wholesale garment bags.
Manufacturers and Printers of ALL types of Garment Bags
Custom Garment Bags Made to Your Specifications
Garment Bags Manufacturer
Custom Printed Garment Bags - Imprinted Garment Bags Custom with Your Logo and Your Colors